Category: News


SPUR Media Release – UNHCR

SPUR (Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka Inc) Reg: A 003 0777 M PO Box 4066, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia Tel: (03) 97957143               Fax: (03) 97957142 Email: Website: Desist from Co-Sponsoring the UN Resolution Drafted by the Human Rights Council in March 2017  ...


Reply To Prime Minister Ranil Wickramsinghe ‘s Statement Re Protest In Melbourne

SPUR   (Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka Inc) Reg :  A 003 0777 M P O Box 4066,  Mulgrave,  VIC  3170,  Australia. Phone: 0431144329 email:   Media Release / Letter to the Editor   Melbourne demonstration against Prime Minster Ranil Wickremasinghe’s Anti-National Agenda The ‘Island’ newspaper...


A book on the Tamil demands by a nationalist Tamil author

Authors Note My determination is to stand by the truth and justice, irrespective of race, religion and caste, but fight for justice. SriLanka is an island occupied by the Sinhala race from 5 BC. This book unravels the truths concealed by the Tamil scholars over the years to mislead the...