Monthly Archive: July 2017


Let’s define “National Interest” as “A Sustainable Nation”

By Malinda Seneviratne There’s a descriptive that was liberally used not too long ago to describe Sri Lanka: “failed state”.  Those who used that term not surprisingly were (at the time) ardent cheer-leaders of that 21st Century version of ‘White Man’s Burden,’ R2P (Responsibility to Protect).  The ‘failed state,’ managed to record...


භික්‍ෂූන් වහන්සේ රාජ්‍යයේ අංශයක්

නලින් ද සිල්වා  විසිනි කලකට ඉහත ටේ‍රවෝ ලිං පවසා තිබුණේ ථෙරවාද බෞද්ධ රාජ්‍යය රජු, භික්‍ෂූන් වහන්සේ හා ජනතාව යන ගල් තුන මත රැඳුණු බවයි. රජු භික්‍ෂූන් වහන්සේට සිවුපසය ලබාදුන් අතර ජනතාවගේ වුවමනා එපාකම් බලා කියා ගත්තා. භික්‍ෂූන් වහන්සේ රජුට හා ජනතාවට අවවාද අනුශාසනා කළා. ජනතාව භික්‍ෂූන් වහන්සේට සිවුපසයෙන් සංග්‍රහ කළා....


‘Sangha State behind the State’ – a response

by H. L. D. Mahindapala   Lenin once said that Bernard Shaw was a good man fallen among the Fabians – a group of wishy-washy left-wingers whose airy-fairy politics was neither in capitalism nor in any kind of scientific socialism. It was, at best, a shade of state welfarism within...


UN/UNHRC has failed to meet its obligations

By Neville Ladduwahetty   During the course of a speech to the Law Society in London on June 26, 2017 the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein stated that Britain’s Prime Minister had “…called for human rights laws to be overturned if they were to “get...