Category: Articles


Weliweriya Water Protests: Answering more important questions

It has become a habit to politicize selective events but ignore the core issue. Before everyone is conveniently taken off track by politicized versions what needs to be reiterated is that the key issue was WATER, the people went on to the streets because of WATER and what resulted was because of WATER… or was it?


Inside Story: Paid journalists prostituting before the West

 International Alert, Kumar Rupesinghe, Frederica Jansz and Sierre Leone blood money

by Pearl Thevnayagam
( The views expressed in this article are author own)

(July 31, 2013, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Kumar Rupesinghe (KR) is the doyen of NGO beneficiaries and he knows how to make war time into profit for peace and conflict resolution and in the process make himself quite rich.


Sri Lanka Spreads Its Wings To South Pacific

Sri Lanka is building its footprint in the region years after having had a growing presence in several countries through its highly sought after skilled work force.For several years now, Sri Lankans have been working in key positions in several Pacific Island countries in a range of private industries and government organisations such as aviation, distribution and logistics, banking and finance and the judiciary.


Asoka Weerasinghe retires as political activist in Canada on August 4, 2013

Interviewed by Rajendra Alwis

Q: I understand that you have decided to retire from political activism in Canada on August 4th. Is there any particular reason or significance to choose this date for your retirement?

A: Yes indeed.  That would be the 30th anniversary of the day when I decided to stand tall for my Motherland, Sri Lanka.