Category: Articles


Neocolonialism and geopolitical rivalry in Sri Lanka

By Asoka Bandarage Sri Lanka’s historical narrative has been defined by geopolitical rivalry, external aggression and internal resistance to that aggression. The early historical era experienced successive waves of invasion from South Indian kingdoms. These were followed by European conquest and consecutive rule of the coastal lowlands by the Portuguese...


Is Sri Lanka’s Parliament Protecting Sri Lanka’s Land Sovereignty?

With regard to LAND there are critical factors Sri Lanka cannot afford to ignore any longer. We are into 72 years of ‘independence’ but still following colonial statutes and it is nothing we can be too proud about. It is essential to realize that these colonial statutes were drawn up by colonial invaders to suit their administration under which our natives were subservient. True, we gained adult suffrage and education but that too had ulterior motives in developing brown sahibs to continue colonial rule in new colonial form.